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Public name Lookup ID
50th Anniversary Site Improvement - Capital 50ANNSITEIM
54th Avenue Capital Corporation Graduate Award 54AVEGRACAP
88 Keys Campaign 88KEYSCAMP
A. E. Housman & Moses Jackson Unrequited Love Award Endowment HOUSMJAWEND
A. John Ellis Graduate Endowment 0JOHNELLIBU
AAE Unrestricted Matching Fund 0UNREMATCFU
AAE Unrestricted Student Support Matching Endowment Fund RESPPROCEEDS
Aayat Bursary in Applied Sciences AAYATBURAS
ABC Foundation Undergraduate Award Supporting Access to Justice in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences ABCFDN
Aboriginal Health Sciences Graduate Student Research Annual Grants Scholarship MERCKCAN01
Aboriginal Math & Science Workshop Fund MATHWORKSHP
Aboriginal Student Health Sciences Annual Conference Stipends Scholarship MERCKCAN02
Aboriginal University Prep Program ABORIGPREP
Accenture Scholarship Endowment Fund 0ACCENTURE
Access Copyright Graduate Award in Publishing Studies Endowment 0CANCENDOFU
Active Health and Recreation Fund AHEALTHREC
Actuarial Program Fund 0ACTUCERTPR
Adaline May Clark Bursary Endowment Fund 0ADALMAYCLA
Adrian Lavigne Memorial Softball Endowment ADIRANLAVIG
Advanced Syntech Corporation Post-Doctoral Fellowship ADVANCEDSYN
Aerial Robotics Project - Engineering Science 0AERIALROBO
AI Trustworthy Workshops AITRUSTWORK
AI4ALL Summer University Program AI4ALLAP
Aiden Serr Memorial Award Endowment AIDENSERRFUND
Aird Dundas Flavelle Memorial Bursary Endowment Fund 2AIRDDUNDFL
Aj Gill Family Endowment (BEQUEST) AJGILLFAM
Al Eisenring Memorial Gerontology Award Endowment 0ALEISEMEME
Alan and Margaret Eyre Bursary Endowment Fund AMEYREFOUND
Alan Boden Memorial Bursary ALANBODEN
Alan David Aberbach History Scholarship Endowment Fund ABERBACHHIS
Alan Peter Kohut P. Eng. Graduate Scholarship in Hydrogeology ALANHYDRO
Albright Visiting Scholar and Lecture Series Endowment ALBRIGENDW
Alderson Interarts Award in the School for the Contemporary Arts Endowment ALDERSONARTS
Alex W. Fisher Bursary Endowment 0ALEXFISHER
Alexia Sepideh Kiaii Memorial Endowment ALEXIAKIAII
Alexis Unrau Memorial Graduate Award in Law and Forensic Psychology ALEUNRMEMFUN
Alfred William Davidson Endowment 0ALFWILDAVE
Alix Vikki Patterson Endowment AVPATTERSON
Allan and Margrit Maynard PDP Annual Bursary MAYNARDPDP
Allison McNeill Endowment in Women’s Basketball IMCNEILLALL
Allocadia Conference Fund in the Faculty of Applied Sciences WOMENINSTEM
Alspach/Heinrich Bursary Endowment Fund 0ALSPHEINEN
Alumni Association of the University of Hong Kong, BC Award Endowment Fund 0HONGKONGUN
Alumni Association Outstanding Student Leadership Award 0ALUASSOUTS
Alumni Centre (Building) 0ALUMNICENT
Alumni Library Endowment 2ALUMLIBREN
Alumni Match 40th ALUMMATCH40
Alumni Relations Affinity Partner Revenue Payments ALREAPRPAY
Alumni Scholarship and Bursary Endowment 2SFUALUMBUR
Alumni Scholarship Endowment Fund for Students in Kinesiology 2KINESIOLOG
Alumni Special Initiatives Endowment Fund 2ALUMUNREST
Alumni Sponsorship Gifts 0OUTSALUMEV
Alva Foundation support for Sam Doesburg’s research ALVAFDNRES
Alysha Roussel & Fred Voight Memorial Endowment AROUSSFVOIG
Alyssa Jordan Undergraduate Award Endowment AJORDANEND
Amrik S. Pooni and Family Bursary APOONIFAMIL
Anand Kirtan Sabha Fund 0ANANKIRTSA
Ancie & Arthur Fouks Bursary Endowment in Publishing Studies 0FOUKSPUBLI
André Gerolymatos Graduate Endowment in Environmental Security AGEROAWARD
Andrew Mack Memorial Lecture Series MACKLECSER
Andrew Petter and Maureen Maloney Award in Women’s Soccer Endowment APMMWSOC
Andrew Petter and Maureen Maloney Excellence Award Endowment for Varsity Women Athletes APMMATHLETE
Andrew Petter and Maureen Maloney Undergraduate Bursary for Indigenous Students ANDREWPETTE
Andrew Petter Graduate Scholarship in Public Policy APETPUBPOL
Andrew Rodger Memorial Bursary for Business Students AROGERBURS
Andrew Wade Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund ANDREWWADE
Anfield Collection Endowment Fund ANFIELDEND
Ann and William Messenger Endowment (Graduate Scholarship - English) MESSGRADACT
Ann and William Messenger Undergraduate Endowment in English MESSUGRADEN
Ann and William Messenger Undergraduate Scholarship Endowment in English MESSGRADEND
Ann Messenger Scholarship Endowment Fund (Aphra Behn) 0APHRBEHNGR
Anne and Tony Giardini Endowment supporting the Anne and Tony Giardini Undergraduate Bursary GIARDINIEND
Anne Giardini Endowment ANNEGIAEND
Anne J. Chalmers Bursary for Business Students Endowment ACHLBSNEND
Anne Peters Pinto Endowment 0ANNEPETEPI
Anne Toby and Charles Kemp Scholarship Endowment KEMPSCHEND
Annie Watson Student Bursary Fund LLBURSARY
Anthony Beyrouti Scholarship Endowment for Women’s Basketball ABEYROUTIEND
Aon R. Bruce Coles Memorial Scholarship Endowment 0RBRUCCOLES
Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. Athletic Award Endowment Fund 1REEDSTEN
April Allen Memorial Endowment APRILALLEN
Aquaculture 0AQUARESFAC
Aquatic Research Cooperative (ARC) Institute ARCINST
Archibald and Marontate Scholarship in Mathematics ARCHMARMAT
Arlene James Bursary in the Contemporary Arts Endowment ARJBTCOARE
Arlene James Entrepreneurship Award in the Beedie School of Business AJAMESBEEDIE
Arron Fediuk Memorial Bursary in Finance FEDIUKMEMBUR
Art Gallery General Fund 0ARTGALLEGE
Artemis Fund in the Faculty of Health Sciences ARTEMISFUND
Arthur and Ancie Fouks Graduate Awards Endowment 0FOUKGRADAW
Arthur and Eva Bell Scholarship in Business Administration 0ARTHEVABEL
Asia Pacific Foundation International Entrepreneurial Co-op Travel Grant Fund APFIECOOPTG
Asia-Canada Program 0ASIACANAPR
Asian Rangers Award Endowment ASIANRANGER
Asper Graduate Fellowship in Communications Endowment 0CANWESTGRA
Association of Women in Finance (AWF) Annual Graduate Scholarship, held at Vancouver Foundation 0ASSFINGRAD
Athletics & Recreation Facilities Fund ATHLRECFA
Atkins / Douglas Endowment 0ATKIDOUGEN
AUCC Designated Awards 0AUCC
Audain Foundation Endowment supporting the Audain Visual Artist(s) in Residence Program AUDAINCHAIR
Audain Gallery AUDAINGALLE
Audain-Bill Reid Agreement AUDAINBREID
Autism and Developmental Disabilities Lab AUTISMRESLAB
Avalanche Canada - Avalanche Research Fund AVCANRESEA
Avalanche Research Fund AVALANCHE
AWF - Wells Fargo Award AWFWELLSBU
Aziz and Parin Dossa Graduate Community Outreach Award Endowment PDOSSAGRAD
B & B Sivertz Bursary Endowment Fund 0BBSIVEBURS
B.C. Bond Dealers Association Busary Endowment Fund 0BRITCOLUBO
B.P. Beirne Prize in Pest Management Endowment 0BPBEIRNEMP
Bacchi Kunwari Memorial Scholarship for Women in STEM BKMSWST
Bacchi Kunwari Memorial Scholarship for Women in STEM Endowment BKMSWSE
Backwater Industries/Eduard Jost Sr. & Jr. Graduate Scholarship Endowment 0BACKWATEIN
Bank of Montreal Lecture Series Endowment 0BANKMONTLE
Bank of Montreal Undergraduate Scholarship in Business Administration 0BANKMONTUN
Barb “Robbie” Robertson Memorial Women’s Basketball Award BROBERTSONBA
Barb Hart Harris Bursary Endowment BARBHARRIS
Barbara (Jones) Friesen Endowment for Swimming FRIESENSWIM
Barbara and James Bennet Scholars Endowment Fund KITOSBENNET
Barbara Ann and Paul Froese Bursary Endowment FROESEBUEND
Barbara Cooper Graduate Bursary in Education Endowment BCOOPERGRAD
Barbara Dunfield International Business Competition Team Sponsorship Fund BUSCOMPETIT
Barbara Ferrier Graduate Chemistry Research Award Endowment FERRIERCHEM
Barbara Guttmann-Gee Lectureship Endowment 2BARBGUTTLE
Barbara Hart Harris Women’s Basketball Award Endowment Fund BHWMBBAWARD
Barbara J. Towriss Award in Women’s Basketball Endowment 1BARBTOWRSC
Barbara Joy Rogers Bursary Endowment BROGERSEND
Barbara Rae and George Suart Athletic Award in Women’s Basketball Endowment 2BARBRAEGEO
Barbara Stearns Study Grant for Mature Students BSTEARNSGR
Barrie and Diana Carol Martin Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship in Business Administration Endowment BMENDBEEDIE
Barrie Martin Bursary in Business Endowment (BEQUEST) BMARTINBURS
Barry Clark Memorial Endowment 2BARRCLARME
Barry Macdonald Award for Global Mobility Endowment BMACGLOMOB
Barry Macdonald Award in Accounting Endowment BMACACCOUNT
Barry Macdonald Bursary in Business Administration Endowment BMACDONBA
Basil Peters/High Tech Exchange Group Scholarship Endowment Fund 0NEXUSENGSC
BC Bearing Engineers Ltd. & the Canadian Council Endowment Award for Latin American Co-op Students 0BCBEAENGLT
BC Cancer Agency Appointee Start-Up Funding BCCANCERAG
BC Collaborative on Social Innovation (BCCSI) BCCOLLABSOC
BC Council of Garden Clubs – Mildred Wells Graduate Scholarship 0BCCOUNGARD
BC Ferry and Marine Workers Union (BCFMWU) Annual Grant BCFMWUAWD
BC Ground Water Association Annual Graduate Award in Hydrogeology BCGROUNDWAT
BC Hydro Library Renewal Trust Endowment 0BCHYDRLIBR
BC JCCA Centennial Co-op Travel Grant BCJCCACOOP
BC Leadership Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience in Early Childhood Health and Development COGNEUROSC
BC Leadership Chair in Proactive Approaches to Reducing Risk for Violence Among Children and Youth Endowment REDUCERISK
BC Lions Athletic Endowment 1BCLIONSATH
BC Notaries Bursary Endowment APPLEGALSTUD
BC Oral Cancer Prevention Program - SFU Component ORALCANCER
BC Wrestling Association Alumni Award Endowment 1BCWRESASSN
BC Wrestling Association Endowment for Women’s Wrestling BCWRESTWOME
BCIC Graduate Student Scholarships Program - Student Support BCICGRADSCH
BCIC Product Design Studio INNOSTUDIO
BCNI Institute Multi-Dimensional Data and Brain Visualization Project BCNIBRAIN
BCTV Athletic Scholarship Endowment Fund 1BCTV
Beedie Family Business Award for International Students BEEDIEAWARD
Beedie Family Graduate Scholarship Endowment Fund BEEDIEFAMGR
Beedie Family Professorships Endowment Fund BEEDIEFACUL
Beedie Family Strategic Initiatives Endowment BEEDIEFAMFE
Beedie Family Undergraduate Bursary for International Business Students BEEDIEINTER
Beedie Family Undergraduate Business Bursary BEEDIEUNDER
Beedie Family Undergraduate Student Experience Endowment BEEDIEFAMIL
Beedie Family Women in Finance Award BEEDIEWOM
Beedie School of Business Alumni Endowment Fund 2BUSADMINEN
Beedie School of Business’ Indigenous Business Leadership Executive MBA Travel Fund MBATRAVFUN
Beedie Social Currents BEEDIESOC
Beedie Urban Development Program BUSURBDEV
Beedie Venture Connection - WD WDBEEDIEVEN
Bel Construction Graduate Endowment Fund 0BELCONLTD
Belkin Packaging Bursary Endowment Fund 0BELKINPACK
Bella Koch Memorial Bursary Endowment Fund 0BELLKOCHME
Below the Radar Podcast and Community Engagement Fund RADARPOD
Belzberg Library Endowment Fund 0BELZLIBREN
Ben West Student Exchange Annual Award BENWEST
Ben Wosk Permanent Bursary Endowment Fund 0BENWOSK
Bennett Family Entrance Scholarship Endowment JIMBENNETTE
Bennett Library Development Fund 0WACBENNLIB
Bertha and Louis Weinstein Archaeology Research Fund BLWEINSTEIN
Betsy Gibbons Family Endowment BGIBBONSEND
Betty Lambert Memorial Prize Endowment 0BETTLAMBME
Beverley Raymond Memorial Scholarship Endowment RAYMONDSCHO
Bhagat Puran Singh-Sikh Community Endowment for Students with Disabilities BHAGATPURAN
Biagioni Family Indigenous Graduate Entrance Scholarship BIAGIONI
Big Data Research Collaboration Faculty of Applied Sciences BIGDATALL
Bill David Hanlon Memorial Fund HANLONMEM
Bill De Vries Scholarship Endowment Fund 2WILLDEVREN
Bill Jeffries Award for Indigenous Students in the Arts Endowment CONARTINDSTU
Bill Oliver Family Graduate Endowment BOLIVERGRAD
Bill Oliver Men’s Basketball Endowment BOLIVERBAS
Bill Reid Centre for Northwest Coast Art Studies BILLREIDFOU
Billy Jones Endowment 0BILLJONEAW
Bing Sum Yip Bursary Endowment Fund 0BINGSUMYIP
Biological Sciences Merit Scholarship Endowment Fund 0BIOSCIMERI
Biological Sciences Scholarship Endowment Fund BIOSCISCHOL
Birks Family Foundation - Donor Designated Awards 0BIRKFAMIDO
Bitcoin Fund BITCOIN
Blankstein Endowment for Swimming and Diving BLANKSTEIN
Blayne and Sharon Johnson Endowment 0CHANBURSJO
Blue Planet Links Foundation Bursary Endowment BLUEPLANET
BMO – John Ellis Graduate Scholarship in Indigenous Business and Leadership Endowment BMOJELLIS
BMO Financial Group Endowment BMOGRADUATE
BMO Research Award in Indigenous Business and Leadership BMORESEARCH
Board of Governors Student Support Fund BOGEXLESSF
Bob Johnson Graduate Bursary in Business Administration BJOHNSGRAD
Bob Laing Memorial Endowment for Softball BOBLAING
Bob McCormack Student Trainer Award BMCCORMACK
Bob Rennie Endowment BOBRENNIE
Bob Spray Rugby Endowment 2SFURUGBYEN
Boivie Family Award Endowment Fund BOIVIEFUND
Boivie Family Endowment supporting the Boivie Family Grant for the Women in Technology BOIVIEFAMEND
Borden Ladner Gervais Graduate Scholarship Endowment Fund 0LADNDOWNGR
Bradshaw 50th Anniversary Fund BRADSHAW50
Brendan Gostmann Geography Bursary BGOSTMANN
Brendan Midgley and Joseph Stryjak Celebration of Life Bursary Endowment MIDGLEYSTRY
Brian Dick Endowed Undergraduate Engineering Award in International Development and Education BRIANDICK
Brian Dick Engineering Prize for Service Abroad BDICKENGINE
Brian Grant Memorial Graduate Award in Resource and Environmental Management BGGREM
Brian J. Blaha Endowment BRIANBLAHA
Brian Taylor Undergraduate Award in Dance Endowment BTAYLORFUND
Brian Williamson Graduate Travel Award in Archaeology Endowment BWILLTRAVL
Brian Williamson Memorial Endowment 0BRIAWILSME
Brigitta Sun Memorial Graduate Award in Chemistry BRIGSUNMEM
Brit Townsend Track and Field Award Endowment 2BRITTOWNTR
British Columbia Annual Athlete Assistance Scholarship Program 1ATHLASSIPR
British Columbia Automobile Association Endowment 0BCAAENDOFU
Brodie Osborne-Campbell Memorial Bursary in Criminology Endowment BRODIEOSBOR
Bruce and Lis Welch Bursary in Business Endowment 0BRULISWELC
Bruce and Lis Welch Community Award at Centre for Dialogue 0C4DBWLWEND
Bruce Brenton Undergraduate Award BBRENTON
Bruce Brenton Undergraduate Award Friends & Family Fund BBRENTFAM
Bruce E. Welch Award for Science and Technology Commercialization Endowment BWELCHEND
Bruce Howe Memorial Endowment 0BRUCEHOWE
Bruce McKelvie Endowment Bursary Fund 0BRUCMCKEEN
Buchanan Family Bursary, held at Vancouver Foundation JILLBUCHANA
Building Owners and Managers Association Endowment in Urban Studies 0BUILOWNEMA
Burnaby Art Gallery Association Endowment Fund 0BURNARTGAL
Burnaby Historical Society Undergraduate Scholarship in Canadian History Endowment BURNHISTSOC
Burnaby Mountain College Fund 0BBYMTNCOLL
Burnaby Municipal Chapter IODE Bursary Endowment 0BURNMUNCCH
Burrard Charitable Foundation Annual Bursary, held at Vancouver Foundation 0BURRCHARFO
Business Administration Development Fund 0BUSIADMIDE
Business Administration Graduate Scholarship Endowment Fund 0BUSIADMIGR
Business Administration Grant 0BUSADMINGR
Business Administration Micro Computer Lab 0BUSIADMIMI
Business and Entrepreneurship Scholarships for Graduate Students BUSENTMAPHD
Buster’s Towing Angus Anthon MacLennan Memorial Endowment 0BUSTERTOWI
C & E - Community Engagement EVENTCOMMUN
C & E - Event Registration EVENTREG
C.D. Nelson Memorial Endowment Prize 0CDNELSMEM
C2UExpo 2017 C2UEXPO2017
Caledonia Award in World Literature Endowment CALEDONIA
Campus Bench Program 0CAMPBENCPR
Campus Bench Program Fund MEMORIAL
Campus Community Bursary Endowment Fund 0CAMPCOMMBU
Campus Security Administrators Workshop 0CSAWCONFFU
Canadian Cable Television Association Graduate Scholarship 0CANACABLTE
Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing 0CENTFORSTU
Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing Endowment Fund 0PUBLSTUDEN
Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing Press PUBLISHPRES
Canadian Drug Policy Coalition Project CANDRUGPOLI
Canadian Engineering Competition Fund 0CONGENGICO
Canadian Federation of University Women - Coquitlam Endowment 0CFUWCOQUEN
Canadian International Institute for Extractive Industries and Development EXTRCTIVEIND
Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan Endowment supporting the Friends of Simon Tutoring Program CSTPLANEND
Canadian Yugoslav Community Association Bursary Endowment Fund 0CANAYUGOCO
Cancer Cells Therapeutics Research CELLSTHRAP
Canon Canada Annual Photography Prizes CANONPHOTO
Canron - Sidney Hogg Memorial Graduate Scholarship Endowment 0SIDNHOGGCA
Capi Blanchet Annual Scholarship in Fiction CAPIBLANCHE
Capital - Segal Graduate School of Business 0BUSGRADCEN
Captain James Cook Graduate Scholarship Endowment Fund 0CAPTJAMECO
Career Talk Program Module CAREERTALK
Carla Poppen Scholarship Undergraduate Award Endowment CARLAPOPPEN
Carla Salvail Memorial Endowment CARLASALVAI
CARMHA - Guarding Minds at Work MENTALHEALT
Carol and Gary Chapman Memorial Endowment 0CAROCHAPME
Carrera Alumni Award in Wrestling Endowment 2CENTALUMWR
Cascadia Climate Project - Pacific Coast Collaborative (Rockefeller Brothers Fund) CASCCLIMPRO
Cascadia Symposium on Statistics in Sports CASYMPSTSP
Cassidy Centre for Educational Justice Endowment 0CENTEDUCLA
Catherine Anne McKay Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 0CATHMCKAY
Cathy & Jon Driver Archaeology Department Special Initiatives Endowment Fund JONCATHY
Cathy Daminato Memorial Fund CDAMINATO
CBC Writers and Company Archives CBCRDIOWCA
CDA Program Endowment Fund CDAPROG
CDM Student Project Research Fund CDMSTUDRES
CDPC Stimulus Conference CDPCSTICON
CDPC Strategic Drug Policy and Legal Capacity Building and Mobilization – Research CDPC-SDPRES
CDPC-Strategic Drug Policy & Legal Capacity Building & Mobilization Project CDPC-SDP
Cecelia Suragh Memorial Endowment Fund CECOLIAMEMO
CED - Indigenous Economic Reconciliation Development INDECODEV
Celebrating 50 Years Endowment Fund 50CELEBRAT
CELS Isidore Starr Film Project CELSISTARR
Center for Comparative Muslim Studies MUSLIMSPECI
Centre for Building Sustainable Enterprises 0CENTBUSSUS
Centre for Canadian Studies Development Fund 0CANASTUDDE
Centre for Coastal Studies 0CENTCOASTS
Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies Endowment MUSLIMSTUDY
Centre for Corporate Governance and Sustainability CENCORPGOV
Centre for Dialogue - Pivot 2020 PIVOT2020
Centre for Dialogue - Social Enterprise CFDSOCIAL
Centre for Dialogue - Clean Energy Canada CLEANENERGYC
Centre for Dialogue - Clean Energy Canada – Advancing Climate Action in Ontario CLEANAIR
Centre for Dialogue - Clean Industrial Advantage (CEC) MJWCFDCEC
Centre for Dialogue - Climate Action Toolkit MJWCFDCAT
Centre for Dialogue - CMHC Housing Supply Challenge HOUSUPCHA
Centre for Dialogue - Foundational Clean Energy Economy C4DFCLEAN
Centre for Dialogue - General 0INTECONFCE
Centre for Dialogue - Hey Neighbour Collective CFDHEYNB
Centre for Dialogue - Integrated Climate Action (ACT) MJWCFDACT
Centre for Dialogue - Knowledge and Practice CFDKANDP
Centre for Dialogue – MLR – Cities and Climate (Trottier Foundation) CDMLRCCTF
Centre for Dialogue - Moving in a Livable Region Project CENTREDIALOGMLR
Centre for Dialogue - New Economy Canada NEWECONOMY
Centre for Dialogue - Open Democracy Fellowship CENDIAODEMO
Centre for Dialogue - Renewable Cities RENEWCITIES
Centre for Dialogue – Renewable Cities (Forestry Innovation Investment) RCFORESTII
Centre for Dialogue – Renewable Cities (Real Estate Foundation of BC) CFDRCREFBC
Centre for Dialogue – Renewable Cities Mass Timber Mid Rise Local Solutions Engagement CFDRCMTFII
Centre for Dialogue - Transportation and Climate Change (MLR) MJWCFDMLR
Centre for Dialogue - Undergraduate Semester in Dialogue 0C4DUNGRADI
Centre for Dialogue – Unlocking Hope in Diabetes Project UNLOCKHOPE
Centre for Dialogue - Urban Resilient Futures (SE) MJWCFDURF
Centre for Dialogue - Urban Resilient Futures (SE) - Wildfires Program MJWCFWILD
Centre for Dialogue - Youthful Cities MJWCFDYC
Centre for Dialogue - Zero Carbon Urban Growth (RC) MJWCFDRC
Centre for Dialogue’s CityHive program CITYHIVE
Centre for Disability Independence Research and Education CENTRECDIRE
Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics Development Fund CECMDEVFUND
Centre for Imagination in Research, Culture & Education (CIRCE) IMAGINATIVE
Centre for Innovation in Management 0CENTREINNO
Centre for Pest Management Development Fund 0CENTPESTMA
Centre for Policy Research on Science & Technology 0CENTPOLIRE
Centre for Public Policy Research CENTREPPR
Centre for Restorative Justice 0CENTRESTJU
Centre for Scottish Studies Specific Purpose Fund 0SCOTTSPECI
Centre for Wildlife Ecology WILDLIFEECO
Centre for Workplace Health & Safety at the Segal Graduate School of Business WORKPLACE
Century 21 Charlwood Family Graduate Scholarship Endowment 0CENTCHARFA
Ceremonies & Events Sponsorship EVENTSPONSOR
Ceremonies & Events Sponsorship 2 2EVENTSPONSOR
CFUW - North Vancouver Bursary Endowment 0UNIVWOMNV
CGA - Simon Fraser University Accounting Fund 0CGASFUACCO
Chad Day Graduate Endowment 0CHADDAYGRA
Chair in Technology Innovations for Youth Addiction Recovery and Mental Health MHADDICTION
Chair’s Research Assistantship CHAIRRESEAR
Chan Sisters Foundation Non-Profit Co-op Employment Endowment 0KATCHAEMPG
Chancellor and President’s Award Dinner Sponsorship CHPREAWDSPON
Chancellor Brandt C. Louie Legacy Endowment BRANDTLOUIE
Chancellor’s Fund 0CHANCMILWO
Chapman Foundation Bursary Endowment Fund CHAPMAN
Chapman Foundation Citizenship Conference CITIZENSHIP
Charalambos (Harry) & Helen Katevatis Graduate Endowment HELLENICGRA
Charles Allard Undergraduate Student Research Award Endowment CALLARDEND
Charles and Eve Chang Foundation Award for Entrepreneurial Mindset CHANGAWARD
Charles Chan Kent Golden Wedding Anniversary Annual Bursary, held at Vancouver Foundation 0CHARCHANKE
Charles Chang Innovation and Entrepreneurship Endowment Fund CCHANGENDOW
Charles Chang Institute for Entrepreneurship CHARCHINEN
Charles Drugan and Rose Anne Doonan Bursary Endowment Fund 0CHARDRUGAN
Charles Olson Endowment CHARESOLSON
Charles S. Walker Bursary Endowment Fund 0CHARWALKEN
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources (CPHR) of BC & Yukon Scholarship 0INDUSRELMA
Chemistry Alumni Bursary Endowment Fund 0HARIGRADSC
Chemistry Graduate Research Endowment Award 0CHEMBIOGRA
Chemistry Undergraduate Scholarship Endowment Fund CHEMUGSCHOL
Cherry Vail Undergraduate Annual Bursary BALOCKEAWAR
Chevron Canada Limited Scholarship Endowment 0CHEVCANSCH
Chicoine Surrey Student Bursary CHICOINESRY
Chien’s Cultural Foundation Scholarship Endowment Fund 0CHIECULTFO
Chinese Canadian Heritage Fund 0CHINCANAHE
Chinese Federation of Commerce of Canada Endowment 0SUNBBUSIAS
Chris Welsby Experimental Film Award, held at Vancouver Foundation CWEFAW
Christian Friesen Memorial Award Endowment CHRISFRIESE
Christian Steckler Scholarship Endowment Fund STECKLEREND
Christina A. Metcalfe Hannah Bursary CMETCALFEBURS
Chu On Fok and Wai Yuk Fok Foundation Bursary Endowment 0CHUONFOKWA
Chung Family Undergraduate Scholarship in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences CHUNGUNDSCHO
CIBC Undergraduate Award for Women in Beedie CIBCUAWB
CIBC Undergraduate Award for Women in Faculty of Applied Sciences CIBCUAWAS
CIBC Undergraduate Award for Women in Faculty of Science CIBCUAWFS
Circolo Abruzzese Bursary Endowment CIRCOLOENDO
Cisneros Kelp Science CISNEROS
City of Surrey Memorial Employee Undergraduate Award SURRMEMEMP
Civic Innovation Lab CIVICLAB
Clare Protheroe Bursary in the Faculty of Science CPROTH
Clark Wilson LLP Graduate Scholarship Endowment 0CLARWILSGR
Clean Hydrogen Hub HYDROHUB
Clifford Ian Dyck Visiting Lectureship Endowment CLIFFORDIAN
Cloverdale Paint Inc. Scholarship Endowment 0CLOVPAINEN
Clyne Family Award for Indigenous Students DAVIDCLYNE
CMA Innovation Centre 0SEGALCSCPM
Cmolik Fund at SFU for Innovation and Enhancement in Education CMOLIKPRIZE
CN / Joe Segal Endowment Fund CNJOESEGAL
CN Graduate Award in Indigenous Business and Leadership Fund CNGRADBUS
CN Indigenous Business Education Programming Fund CNEDUBUS
Coaching Fund For Excellence in Wrestling 0COACHFUNDE
Coast Capital Rudy Nielsen Award COASCAPRNL
Coastal Zone Canada (BC) Association Graduate Scholarship in the Faculty of Environment Endowment 0COASTALZON
Coca-Cola Residence and Housing Fund HOUSINGSPON
Cody Sawatsky Memorial Award in Gaming Endowment CSAWATSKY
Cogeco Graduate Scholarship in Communication Endowment 0COGEGRADEN
Cogent ChipWare Endowment COGENTCHIP
Colin A. Conrad Bursary Endowment Fund 0COLCONENDO
Colin McPhee Graduate Scholarship Endowment Fund 0COLIMCPHEN
Columbia College Endowment Fund 0COLUCOLLEN
Communication Alumni Scholarship Endowment 2COMMALUMEN
Community Economic Development Fund COMMECONDE
Community Education Impact Endowment CEIMPACTEDW
Community Engagement and Outreach, External Relations COMMENGAGEER
Community Evolution Feasibility Study COMMUNEVOL
Community Partnership Fund 0COMMPARTFU
Community Scholars Program COMSCHOPRO
Community-Engaged Research Initiative (CERi) CERINIT
Computing Science 50th Anniversary Bursary CS50B
Computing Science Development Fund 0COMPSCIE
Computing Science Graduation Scholarship Endowment 0COMPSCIEGR
Computing Science Undergraduate Student Society Scholarship Endowment Fund 0COMPSCIEUN
Confratellanza Italo Canadese Endowed Bursary Fund 0CONFITALEF
Connell Lightbody Endowment 0RAYCONNEND
Containment Lab in Infectious Disease Research HSEQUIPMENT
Continuing Studies - Grants and Conferences 0CONTSTUDCO
Continuing Studies - Writer’s Studio Fund 0CONTSTUD
Continuing Studies Development Fund 0CONTSTUDDE
Corix Endowment Fund supporting the Learning in Depth Program LEARNDEPTH
Corra Family Cultural Fund 0CORRFAMICU
Costco Canada Undergraduate Entrance Bursary Endowment COSTCOENDOW
Council For the North American Business Studies 0CENTCANAAM
Courage to Persevere Award MONKAWARD
Courtney Triano Swimming Endowment CTRIANOSWIM
CP/Teck Resources Award for Environmental Innovation Endowment CPTECKGRAD
CPA Faculty Education Fund ACCTINGDEV
CPA Graduate Award in Indigenous Business and Leadership CPA-UA-IBL
CPA Undergraduate Award in Accounting for Indigenous Students CPAUAAIS
CPA Undergraduate Bursary in Accounting CPAUBA
CPABC Business Administration Co-op Education Scholarship 0INSTCABUR
CPABC Desmond O’Brien Memorial Scholarship 0INSTCAMEM
Craig Asmundson Endowment CASMUNDSON
Craig Newell Memorial Endowment CRAIGNEWELL
Craig Roberts Scholarship Endowment Fund CROBERTSMEM
Creative Entrepreneurship Initiative - FCAT CREATEENTR
Creche Activities - Faculty of Education CRECHEACTI
Credit Union Central of British Columbia Athletic Scholarship Endowment Fund 1BCCENTCRE
CREW Vancouver Award at the SFU Beedie School of Business Advancing Women in Commercial Real Estate CREWWOMEN
Criminology Graduate Student Scholarship Endowment Fund 0CRIMGRADPR
Criminology Research Centre Forensic Entomology Laboratory 0FOREENTOLA
Crocker Family Award in Psychology Endowment CROCKEREDM
Crowe MacKay LLP Annual Undergraduate Scholarship in Accounting MACKAYLLP
CSC2014 Seminar in Chemistry Endowment CSC2014SEM
CWB Refugee Livelihood Lab CWBREFLL
D. B. Perks & Associates Ltd. Endowment 1STRASYSTLT
DA Architects + Planners Bursary Endowment 0DOWNARCHAR
Dallas Smythe Memorial Scholarship Endowment 0DALLSMYTME
Dance Studies Association Conference DSACONF
Daniel Igali Endowment DANIELIGALI
Daniel Janzen Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 0DANIJANZME
Darcy and Karina Biagioni Family Graduate Scholarship BIAGIONIS
Darcy and Karina Biagioni Family Scholarship Endowment Fund BIAGIONIEND
Darryl (Lumpy) Lawrence Lucas Annual Award in Rugby 0DARRYLLUMP
DATA Science Endowment Fund 0MANASYSTSC
Data-Intensive Systems Lab DATAINTLAB
Dave and Ann Trick Family Foundation Doctoral Award in Political Science TRICKFAMFDT
Dave Sukhdip Singh Hayer and Marie Isabelle Martinez Hayer Bursary in Journalism Endowment DSMHBEJOUR
David A. Freeman Permanent Bursary Endowment Fund 0DAVIDFREEM
David and Brenton Nichols Endowment 0NICHOLSBRT
David and Cecilia Ting Endowment 0DAVICECITI
David and Mary Macaree Scholarship Endowment Fund MACAREEFUND
David and Rachelle Chertkow Graduate Endowment 0DAVIRACHCH
David Armstrong Memorial Bursary Endowment Fund 2DAVIARMSME
David Beneteau Wrestling Scholarship Endowment 0DAVIBENEEN
David Bensted Visiting Fellowship Endowment 0DAVIDBENST
David Gillanders Endowment DGILLANDERS
David L. Baillie Graduate Endowment BAILLIEMCB
David Pel Bursary in Accounting DPELBURACC
David Pel Tennis Award DAVIDPEL
David See-Chai Lam Centre For International Communication 0CENTINTECO
DBMiner Scholarship Endowment Fund DBMINERSCHO
Dean of Applied Sciences Focused Research DEANOF APPL
Deanne Schweitzer Award in Swimming Endowment DEANNESCHWE
Dean’s 10th Anniversary Graduate Endowment in the Faculty of Environment 10THANNIFENV
Dean’s Excellence Fund FASDEANEXC
Dean’s Excellence Fund Endowment DEANEXCELLEW
DEEPA - Dobson Entrepreneurship Excellence Project Award DEEPA
Dekleva Family Annual Bursary DEKLEVAAWD
Dekleva Family Endowment DEKLEVAEND
Deloitte & Touche Scholarship in Accounting 0TOUCROSSSC
Deloitte Graduate Entrance Scholarship Endowment Fund 0ARTHANDEGR
Delta Kappa Gamma Society – Vancouver Chapter Bursary DELTAKAPPA
Dennis Culver EMBA Professorship Endowment 0EMBAPROFFE
Department of Archaeology Development Fund 0ARCHDEPTGE
Department of Biological Sciences Development Fund 0BIOLSCIDEV
Department of Chemistry Development Fund 0CHEMDEPTGF
Department of Communication Development Fund 0DEPTCOMM
Department of Economics Development Fund 0ECONDEPTGF
Department of Economics Research Purpose Endowment Fund ECONOMICS
Department of English Development Fund 0ENGLISHDEP
Department of English Endowment 0ENGLDEPTEN
Department of French Award for Excellence Endowment 0FRENCHENDO
Department of French Development Fund 0DEPAFRENDE
Department of Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies Development Fund WOMENSSTUDI
Department of Geography Development Fund 0GEOGDEPTGF
Department of History Development Fund 0HISTDEPTGF
Department of Linguistics Development Fund 0LANGLITLIN
Department of Mathematics Award Endowment 0MATHSTATEN
Department of Philosophy Development Fund 0PHILDEVEFU
Department of Political Science Development Fund 0POLISCIENC
Department of Psychology Development Fund 0PSYCDEPTGF
Department of Sociology and Anthropology Development Fund 0SOCIANTHRO
Department of Spanish/Latin America Studies Development Fund 0DEPASPANLA
Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science Award Endowment Fund 0STATACTUSC
Dexter (LC) Wang Award in Psychology DEXWANAWD
Dexter (LC) Wang Scholarship in Psychology DEXWANSCHOL
DGA Tech Ltd Graduate Scholarship in the Faculty of Environment DGATECH
Diamond Endowment Fund in Business 0DIAMFUNDBU
Diamond Family International Mobility Endowment DIAMNDMOBIL
Diaspora Engagement Fund DIASPORAENG
Dick Kouwenhoven Book Arts Studio Fund BOOKARTS
Dick McClure Award for Rowing Endowment DMCCLUREEND
Dina Taddei Memorial Endowment DINATADDEI
Dino De Poli Endowment DEPOLILECTU
Director - School for Contemporary Arts DIRECTORART
Director of 4D Lab PLANet DIR4DLAB
Discovery Foundation’s Health Sciences Business Development 101 DISCOV101
Djavad Mowafaghian Endowment Fund in the Faculty of Health Sciences DAVIDMOWAFA
Djavad Mowafaghian Foundation Endowment in Children’s Health Policy Research MOWAFAGHIAN
Djavad Mowafaghian Foundation Globe Project Fund MOWAFGLOBE
Djavad Mowafaghian Foundation Refugee Livelihood Lab Fund MOWAFRELIVE
Don & Pat Hudson Scholarship Endowment in International Business Relations HUDSONSCHOL
Donald H.M. and Phyllis M. Ross Memorial Bursary Endowment Fund 0DONAROSSME
Donna Margaret Laws Bursary Endowment Fund LAWSBURSARY
Donor Designated Awards 0DONODESIG
Donor Designated Awards - 1 DONORDE-NT4
Donor Designated Graduate Awards 0DONODESIGR
Doreen Wilkinson Memorial Endowment 0DOREWILKME
Doris Colligan Memorial Endowment DCOLLIGANMEM
Dorothy and Alex Macdonald Bursary Endowment Fund 0DEJOMACDEN
Dorothy May Martin Bursary Endowment Fund 0DOROMAYMAR
Dorothy Middler Thomas Graduate Entrance Endowment 0DOROMIDDTH
Dorothy Sullivan Endowment 0DOROSULLBU
Dorthea Atwater and Peter Hay Collection Endowment ATWATERHAY
Dossa Endowment supporting the Dossa Student Travel Award DOSSAENDOW
Dossa Family Endowment supporting the Dossa Family Undergraduate Scholarship DOSSAFAMILY
Doug and Diane Clement Award in Track and Field/Cross-Country DOUGANDITF
Doug and Margaret Court Gerontology Faculty Support Fund DGCOURTGER
Doug and Sandra Cramen Bursary Endowment CRAMENENDO
Doug Drummon Graduate Scholarship Endowment Fund 0DOUGDRUMGR
Doug Roxburgh Golf Award Endowment ROXBURGHEND
Douglas Cole Memorial Endowment 0DOUCOLMEMG
Douglas M. Gregg Annual Bursary in Computing Science 0DOUGGREGG
Downtown Vancouver Association Scholarship Endowment in Urban Studies 0DOWNVANCAS
Dr Ellen M. Gee Endowed Memorial Lecture Series in Gerontology 0ELLENLECTU
Dr. A. H. and Dr. Geeta Somjee Graduate Award for Indian Political Development Endowment SOMINDGRAD
Dr. A. H. and Dr. Geeta Somjee Graduate Scholarship in Political Science Endowment SOMJEEENDOW
Dr. A. H. and Dr. Geeta Somjee Indian Political Development Travel Endowment SOMTRAVEL
Dr. A. H. and Dr. Geeta Somjee PhD Award for Indian Political SOMINDPHD
Dr. A. H. and Dr. Geeta Somjee Undergraduate award in Indian Political Development Endowment SOMINDUND
Dr. A. H. Somjee and Dr. Geeta Somjee Graduate Fellowship in Indian Political Development Endowment SOMJEEFELLOWSHIP
Dr. A. H. Somjee and Dr. Geeta Somjee Professorship in Indian Political Development Endowment Fund SOMINDPOEN
Dr. A. H. Somjee and Dr. Geeta Somjee Professorship in Indian Political Development Fund SOMJEEFUND
Dr. A. H. Somjee and Dr. Geeta Somjee Undergraduate Endowment SOMJEEUGPS
Dr. Aimee August Award in Indigenous Language Proficiency Endowment AIMEEAUGEND
Dr. Alan Mekler Memorial Endowment 0ALANMEKLME
Dr. Alan S. Craighead Bursary in Archaeology ALANCRAIG
Dr. Alberto Ciria Memorial Bursary in Political Science Endowment ACIRIAEND
Dr. Alfredo E. Hurtado Memorial Essay Award Endowment 0AEHURTENFU
Dr. Ali Dastmalchian Memorial Fund ADASTMEM
Dr. Amy Lee’s Research Lab Fund AMYLEERLF
Dr. Anne Salomon’s Kelp System Science Project SALOKELP
Dr. Barry Beyerstein Bursary Endowment BARRYBEYERS
Dr. Bob McCormack Scholarship for Athletic Awards MCCORMACK
Dr. Brian Burtch Graduate Award in Criminology BURTCHFUND
Dr. Brian Burtch Graduate Award in Criminology Friends & Family Fund BURTCHFAM
Dr. Bruce Brandhorst Graduate Prizes in MBB Endowment BRANDHORST
Dr. Cal Hoyt Bursary Endowment Fund 0DRCALHOYEN
Dr. Cam Coady Foundation Lecture Series in Health Issues CAMLECTURE
Dr. Carol Matusicky Bursary Endowment 0CAROMATUBU
Dr. Christian Cook Ross Award Endowment DRCHRISCOOK
Dr. David Eaves Endowment DAVIDEAVES
Dr. Dianne Cyr Endowment DIANNECYR
Dr. Donald, Eleanor, & Laurie Rix Biotechnology Management of Technology MBA Graduate Endowment Fund RIXBIOTECH
Dr. E.A. Fattah Graduate Endowment 0DREAFATTAH
Dr. Ed Colhoun Memorial Bursary Endowment Fund 0COLHMEMEND
Dr. Ellen Gee Memorial Graduate Scholarship for Excellence 0DRELLENGEE
Dr. Elliot Goldner Graduate Fellowship in Mental Health Policy EGOLDNER
Dr. Eva Voigt Bursary Endowment Fund EVAVOIGTEND
Dr. Eva Voigt Chemistry Graduate Student Award for Mentoring Leadership EVAVOIGTAWDLEA
Dr. Gordon L. Diewert Memorial Kinesiology Endowment 0GORDDIEWME
Dr. Gordon Shrum Athletic Award Endowment 1GORDSHRUAE
Dr. Grazia Merler Bursary Endowment 0GRAZMERLEN
Dr. Grazia Merler Scholarship in French or Italian Endowment GMERLERFREN
Dr. Hari Sharma Foundation Annual Graduate Scholarship HSHARMAGRAD
Dr. Hari Sharma Foundation Special Purpose Fund for Labour Studies HSHARMALABO
Dr. Howard Malm Graduate Award Endowment HOWARDMALM
Dr. Ivor Fleming Undergraduate Student Research Award Endowment IFLEMINGEND
Dr. J. Rhys Kesselman Memorial Fund KESSELMAN
Dr. J.L. Wighton Engineering Development Fund 0JLWIGHTENG
Dr. J.V. Christensen Endowment 0JVCHRISTEN
Dr. Jack Diamond Permanent Bursary Endowment 0JDIAMONDPE
Dr. Jack Nance Memorial Endowment 0NANCEJACKS
Dr. Jack Uppal Endowment JACKUPPAL
Dr. James Hogg Chair in Public Health ’Omics at St. Paul’s Hospital JHPUBHEALH
Dr. John Abreu Memorial Award in Mathematics DRJAMEMAW
Dr. John Yorston Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 0JOHNYORSME
Dr. Josephine Anthony Endowment JANTHONYEND
Dr. L.B. Peter Rae Memorial Endowment 0PETRAEMEMO
Dr. Marela Dichupa Memorial Graduate Award in Arts Education MDMEMOFUND
Dr. Marguerite Fauquenoy Graduate Endowment 0MARGFAUQGR
Dr. Mary Sheila O’Connell Graduate Endowment 0MSOCONNEL2
Dr. Mary Sheila O’Connell Undergraduate Scholarship Endowment Fund 0MARYSHEIOC
Dr. Michael Lepawsky Memorial Graduate Award in Hyperbaric Medicine MLEPAWSKYGR
Dr. Moustafa Abdel-Magid Memorial Graduate Bursary in Business MOUSABMAMEM
Dr. Nancy Hall Graduate Award in Public Health NANCYHALLME
Dr. Phyllis Wrenn Endowment PWRENNFREN
Dr. Reza Nouri BPK Community Leadership Award Endowment RNOURILEAD
Dr. Reza Nouri BPK Undergraduate Award Endowment RNOURIEND
Dr. Rosena Davison Endowment RDAVISONEND
Dr. Ruby Peter Graduate Award in Indigenous Language Proficiency Endowment RPGRADEND
Dr. S.C. and Mrs. B.Y. Cheah Bursary Endowment Fund CHEAHENDOW
Dr. Sonja Luehrmann Memorial Lecture Series Fund SONJALMEM
Dr. T. Peter Harmon Wrestling Endowment 1DRTPETEHAR
Dr. Tai Whan Kim Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 0TAIWHANKIM
Dr. Tashakkor Undergraduate Award in Contemporary Arts TASHAKKORAW
Dr. Thomas J. Mallinson Memorial Bursary Endowment 0THOMMALLME
Dr. Tom Richardson Memorial Bursary Endowment Fund 0DRTOMRICME
Dr. Unrau Memorial Co-op Scholarship Endowment Fund 0DRUNRAUMEM
Dr. Valentin Jaumouille’s Research Lab Fund VALJAUMRLF
Dr. W. Koerner Permanent Bursary Endowment Fund 0WCKOERNER
Dr. William A. Gruver Engineering Science Memorial Award Endowment WGRUVERMEM
Drop-In Centre Endowment Bursary Fund 0DROPINCENT
Drs. Fereidoun and Katharine Mirhady Endowment 0DRSMIRHADY
Dueck Auto Group President’s Scholarship Endowment 0DUECCHEVOL
Duncan & Jean McEachran Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund DUNCAN
Duncan Low & Janet Scarfe Endowment Fund (Bequest) DLOWSCARFE
DuPont Scholarship Endowment Fund 0DUPOENDOFU
Dutton Essay Award Endowment DUTHUM
EA Dick Asher Award in the Faculty of Applied Sciences EADICKASHAS
Earl and Jennie Lohn Foundation Endowment 0EARLJENNLO
Early Entrepreneurship - Future Launch RBCFUTURE
Earth Sciences Program Development Fund 0EARTSCIPRO
Earth Sciences Undergraduate Scholarship Endowment Fund EARTHSCENDO
Ebco Eppich Chair in Computing Science Endowment 0ENCMSCCHAI
Economics Graduate Endowment ECONOGRAD
Economics Professorship Endowment Fund supporting Endowed Professorships in Economics ECONOMPROF
Economics Research Development Fund ECONCOMRE
Economics Student Leadership Fund ECONSLEAD
Economics Undergraduate Endowment ECONSCHOLAR
Edelmayer Endowment Fund EDELMAYEREA
Edmond A. Foley Library Endowment 0EAFOLEEND
Edoye Porbeni Service Equals Success Award EPORBENIAW
Education and Reconciliation EDUCRECON
Educational Neuroscience Lab GENRES-EDU
Edward & Emily McWhinney Foundation Hellenic Studies Graduate Scholarship Endowment MCWHELLEN
Edward & Emily McWhinney Professorship in International Relations Endowment Fund MCWHINPROF
Edward and Emily McWhinney Foundation Scholarship, held at Vancouver Foundation MCWHINNEYANN
Edward and Marianne Gibson Endowment for the Art and Cultural Collections of SFU GIBSONEND
Edward S. Liu Bursary in Economics ELIUBURSARY
Edward Wilson Undergraduate Bursary in History Endowment EWILSONEND
Eldorado Gold Award in Earth Sciences ELDORADOAW
Eldorado Gold Bursary in Earth Sciences ELDORADOBUR
Elizabeth J. Clogg Memorial Graduate Scholarship in History EJCMEMGRAD
Ellen and Warren Tallman Endowment TALLMANEND
Ellen Loosley Memorial Graduate Bursary in Chemistry and Physics Endowment ELMEBCHPHE
Ellen Mary Greenaway Bursary Endowment Fund 0ELLENGREEN
Elma Krbavac Scholarship Endowment Fund 0ELMAKRABSC
Elsie Winona McLaren Meadows Scholarship Endowment Fund EWMEADOWS
EMBA Alumni Annual Graduate Scholarship Fund 2EMBAALUMGR
EMBA in Aboriginal Business & Leadership Curriculum Development ABORIGBUSLEA
Emergency Preparedness Conference Scholarship Endowment Fund 0EMERPREPCO
Emily Campbell/SFU Daycare Bursary Endowment Fund 0EMILCAMPEF
Emily Longworth Memorial Award, held at Vancouver Foundation EMILYLONGWO
Empower MEdia: School’s Out EMPOWMEDIA
Empresario Entrepreneur Award Endowment EMPRESARIO
Engineering Science Student Endowment 0ENGISCIEEN
Engineering Science Student Society Endowment 0ENGIUNDEST
Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia Scholarship in Earth Sciences APEGBCEARTH
Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia Scholarship in Engineering Science 0ASSOPROFEN
Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia Scholarship in Mechatronic Systems Engineering EGBCMECHEN
Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia Scholarship in Sustainable Energy Engineering EGBCSUSENG
Engineers’ Wives’ Association Bursary Endowment 0ENGIWIVEAS
English Department Faculty Bursary Endowment 0ENGDEPFACU
Enid Harris Scholarship Endowment Fund ENIDHARRIS
Envision Financial Community Leaders Igniting Change ENVISIONCLIC
Eric Burkle Graduate Award in Political Sciences Endowment ERICBURKLE
Eric Burkle Scholarship in Political Science Endowment EBURKLEPOL
Eric Sangwine European Studies Graduate Scholarship in the Department of History GRADEURO
Eric Swanick Special Collections Travel and Research Grant Endowment ESWANICKEND
Erm Fiorillo - Hal Davis CKNW Orphans’ Fund Endowment 0CKNWORPHFU
Estate of Hans Christiansen Bursary Endowment Fund 0HANSCHRIME
Ethel Barbara Tuck Graduate Scholarship Endowment in Education 0ETHEBARTUC
Ethel Barbara Tuck Undergraduate Scholarship Endowment in Education 0ETBARTUCKU
European History Award Endowment 0EUROHISTEN
Evelyn and Leigh Palmer Scholarship in Physical Sciences Endowment 0EVELLEIGPA
Evelyn J. Oliver Bursary Endowment Fund 0EVELOLIVEN
Evelyn Pinkerton Endowment Fund PINKERTON
Ewan Clark Memorial Award Endowment EWANCLARK
Executive M.B.A. Business Leaders’ Breakfast Information Mtg 0MBABUSILEA
Executive Women International Bursary Endowment Fund 0EXECWOMEIN
Exomotion Robotic Suit Research EXOMOTION
Expanding Horizons CMOLIKADOP
Expanding Horizons Program EXPANDHOR
Faculty and Staff Health Sciences Graduate Research Awards HEALTHSCIGR
Faculty Endowment for Excellence 0FACBUSADM
Faculty of Applied Sciences Bursary Fund APPSCIBUR
Faculty of Applied Sciences Dean’s Strategic Fund FASDEANSTG
Faculty of Applied Sciences Development Fund 0FACAPPLSCI
Faculty of Applied Sciences Outreach Program: Invent the Future FASOPRINFU
Faculty of Applied Sciences Rocketry Club FAAPSCIROC
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Travel Award TRAVELAWD
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Bursary Fund FASSBUR
Faculty of Communication Art and Technology Bursary Fund FCATBUR
Faculty of Education Alumni Bursary Endowment Fund 2EDUCALUMEN
Faculty of Education Bursary Endowment Fund 0FACEDUCBUR
Faculty of Education Development Fund 0FACOFEDUCA
Faculty of Education Graduate Scholarship for Master’s and PhD Students GRADUATESCH
Faculty of Education Graduating Class Gift EDCLASSGIF
Faculty of Environment - Professional Programs FAENVPROGM
Faculty of Environment Bursary Fund ENVBUR
Faculty of Environment Changemakers Fund FENCHNGMKR
Faculty of Environment Development Fund ENVIRONDEVE
Faculty of Health Sciences Bursary Fund HSCIBUR
Faculty of Health Sciences Development Fund HLTHSCIDEV
Faculty of Science Alumni Endowment Fund 2FACOSCIENC
Faculty of Science Dean’s Discretionary Fund SCIENCEDEV
Faculty of Science Innovative Seed Grant Endowment FACSCIGRANT
Faculty of Science Matching Gift Support Fund FACSCISFUN
Faculty of Science Undergraduate Outreach Award TROTFASOUT
Faculty of Science Undergraduate Outreach Award in Physics Endowment TROTPHYS
Faculty of Science Undergraduate Student Research Award Endowment SCIENCEAWRD
Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited Entrance Bursary FAIRFAXSCHO
Fall & Injury Reduction in Seniors Through Technology Research INJURYPREV
Farida Lalji and Jenny Kaderali Bursary Endowment Fund 0FARILALJJE
FAS - Computing Science - Unrestricted Support FASCSUNRES
FASS Criminology Systems Change Momentum Grant FASSCRIMGR
FASS Dean’s Fund for Strategic Initiatives 0FACARTSDEV
Father Della-Torre Bursary Endowment Fund 0FATHDELLTO
Father Michael Bach Endowment 0FATHMICHBA
FCAT Dean’s Strategic Priorities Fund FCATDEANST
FCAT: Opal McLean SCA Alumni Creative Production and Research Prize OPASCAPRIZ
FCAT: School of Communication - Public Safety Broadband Network FCATPSBN
Fei and Milton Wong Experimental Theatre FMWONGEXPER
Feminist Research, Education, Development & Action Centre 0FREDADEVEL
FENV Central Coast - Transboundary Analysis & Conservation Planning FENVTRANSBO
FHS - Dr. Scott Lear’s Diabetes Research DIABETESRES
Financial Executives Institute Annual Scholarship, held at Vancouver Foundation 0FINAEXECIN
Finning Research Fellowship Endowment 0FINNRESEFE
Firma Foreign Exchange Corporation Undergraduate Award in Finance Endowment FIRMAEXCH
First Nation, MĂ©tis, and Indigenous Student Association Award Endowment FNSAWARD
First Nation, MĂ©tis, and Indigenous Student Association Bursary Endowment 1STNABUREND
First Nation, MĂ©tis, and Indigenous Student Association Scholarship Endowment FNSCHENDOW
First Nations Health Authority Chair in Heart Health and Wellness at St. Paul’s Hospital supported by BMO HEARTHEALTH
First Nations Health Chair Startup Funding (PHCRI) PHCRSTARTUP
First Nations, MĂ©tis & Inuit Student Association Emergency Assistance Fund. FNSTUEMERG
First West Credit Union Launi Skinner Indigenous Scholarship FIRSTWEST
Fisheries Stock Management Chair in the School of Resource and Environmental Management FISHERIESTO
FIVE/CINQ Unlimited Archives Fund FIVEARCH
Flight 752 Memorial Graduate Scholarship Annual Fund FL752MEMANN
Florence and Lynn Sully Men’s Basketball Endowment 1SULLBASKEN
Florence Godwin IODE Bursary in Criminology Endowment 0IODECOLOBU
Florence Sully Bursary for Women in STEM FSULLYBURS
Fondation des Francophones de la Colombie-Britannique Grant Endowment FONDFRCBEND
Food Security Fund (Dining Commons) FOODSECFUN
Forest Renewal BC - Chair in Terrain Analysis/Geoscience 0FORESTRENE
Forge Health Bursary in Kinesiology FORGEKIN
Fort Capital Partners Graduate Scholarship in Invention to Innovation FORTCAPINV
Fort Capital Partners Technology Entrepreneurship Fund FORTCAPFUN
Fortinet Award in Cybersecurity FORTCYBR
Frances and Samuel Belzberg Endowment Supporting Technology Entrepreneurship @SFU BELZBERGEND
Frances Mary Beattie Scholarship Endowment Fund FRANCESMARY
Frank A. Linville’s R.H. Wright Annual Award in Olfactory 0RHWRAWAROL
Frank Allison Linville Institute - Sensory Science 0RHWRREASFE
Franklin D. and Helen K. Van Pykstra Graduate Scholarship Endowment Fund 0FRANKHELEV
Fraser Health KEY Graduate Scholarship FRASERHEALT
Fred & Maureen Wright Bursary Endowment Fund 0CHANBURSWR
Fred and Elaine Moonen Endowment 0FREDELAIMO
Fred Silber Lectureship in Gerontology Endowment 0FREDSILBLE
French Cohort Program Scholarship Endowment Fund FRENCOHORT
French Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 0FRENMMEND
Friends of Simon - Gadhia Family Endowment DGADHIA
Friends of Simon Diamond Matching Fund DIAMONDMATCH
Friends of Simon Online Program FSONLINEPR
Friends of Simon Tutoring Project IMREFYOUTH
Friends of the Gibson FRNDGIBSON
Friends of Vancouver Retired Teachers’ Association Education Bursary FRIVANTEACH
Frode Strand-Nielsen Scholarship Endowment Fund STRANDNIELS
Fund of Your Choice UNSPECIFIED
Fung Chan Yee Shan Memorial Endowment 0FUNGCHANYE
G. F. Kym Anthony Scholarship Endowment Fund 1KYMANTHWRE
G.C. "Chuck" Arnold Memorial Endowment 1CHUCARNOGO
G10 Bursary Endowment ATHWALENDOW
Gary Campbell May Day Memorial Annual Award GARYCAMPBE
Gary Hall Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund GARYHALLMEM
Gayle J. E. Harris Memorial Bursary Endowment GAYLEHMEM
Gene Bridwell Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Special Collections 0GENEBRIDWE
General - Athletics & Recreation Fund GENATHLETIC
General - External Scholarships 0GENCOMCAMP
General - Faculty of Education CONFER-EDU
General Conference 0GENCONISSA
General Conference - Arts & Social Sciences CONFER-ARTS
General Conference - Continuing Studies CONFER-CS
General Conference - Faculty of Environment ENVIRONDEV
General Conference - Faculty of Science CONFER-SCI
General Conference - Health Sciences CONF-HEAL
General Conference - Library GENCONLIBR
General Conference and Programs - Applied Sciences CONFER-FAS
General Conferences 0GENCONHUMA
General Conferences-Wiebe 2001 by School of Criminology 0WIEBECONFE
General Donation 0GENECONFFU
General Donation - Beedie School of Business CONFER-BUS
General Research 0GENERESEFN
General Research - Arts & Social Sciences GENRE-ARTS
General Research - Beedie School of Business GENRESFBA
General Research - Faculty of Applied Sciences GENRESEARCH
General Research - Faculty of Environment ENVIRONRES
General Research - Faculty of Health Sciences GENRES-HEAL
General Research - Faculty of Science GENRES-SCIE
General Research - Fisheries & Oceans Canada 0DEPTFISHIE
General Research - School for International Studies 0DOLPTIGESH
General Research Fund - Continuing Studies 0GENERESEFU
General Research G & C - ’CND Steel, Chinese Grit’ Project 0GENERESE3
General Research G & C - Symposium on Metallic Multilayers 0GENERESE00
General Research G & C/Filipino Heritage Language Project 0GENERESE2
General Sponsorship GENERLSPON
Gentai Financial Group Undergraduate Scholarship in Finance GENTAIFING
Geoff Madoc-Jones Memorial Endowment GEOFFMADOC
Geography Graduate Scholarship Endowment 0GRADSCHOGE
Geography Undergraduate Fieldwork Endowment GEOGUNGRAD
George and Muriel Rogers Bursary Endowment Fund 0GEOMURENDO
Gerald & Sheahan McGavin Award Endowment 0G&SMCGAVIN
Gerhard & Regine Gries Fund GEREGRIES
German Canadian Benevolent Society of BC Endowment 0GERMCANABE
Gerontology Diploma Program 0GERONDIPPR
Gerontology Program Development Fund 0GEROPROGDE
Gerontology Research Centre 0GERONRESCE
Gift-in-Kind - 4D Labs 4DLABS-GIK
Gifts In Kind - Applied Sciences 0APPLSCIEGI
Gifts in Kind - Archives 0SFUARCHGIK
Gifts In Kind - Arts & Social Sciences 0FACARTSGIK
Gifts In Kind - Athletics 0ATHLETICSG
Gifts In Kind - Bill Reid Centre BILLREIDCEN
Gifts in Kind - Biological Sciences 0DEPTBIOLGI
Gifts in Kind - Business Administration BUSINESSGIK
Gifts in Kind - Communications and Marketing GIKCM
Gifts In Kind - Continuing Studies 0CONTSTUDGI
Gifts in Kind - Education 0EDUCATIOGI
Gifts In Kind - Faculty of Communications, Art & Technology FCATGIFTIK
Gifts in Kind - Faculty of Environment GIKENVIRON
Gifts in Kind - Faculty of Science 0SCIENCESGI
Gifts in Kind - Health Sciences HEALTHSCIEN
Gifts In Kind - Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology 0ARCHMUSEGI
Gifts in Kind - Office of the Registrar 0UAGIFTKIND
Gifts in Kind - SCA Building Campaign GIKSCABUILD
Gifts in Kind - School for the Contemporary Arts GFTKDCONTAR
Gifts in Kind - Segal School of Business GKDSEGAL
Gifts In Kind - Simon Fraser University Art Gallery 0ARTGALLERY
Gifts in Kind - Simon Fraser University Pipe Band 0PIPEBANDGI
Gifts in Kind - Surrey Office 0KINESIOLGI
Gifts in Kind - University Collection 0SIMOFRASGI
Gifts in Kind - University General 0UNIVGENGIK
Gifts In Kind - W.A.C. Bennett Library 0LIBRARYGIK
Gifts in Kind-Office of the Vice-President, People, Equity and Inclusion GIKVPPEI
Gifts-in-Kind - Facilities FACILGIK
Gil Moser Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 0GILMOSERME
Gilhooley Family Entrance Bursary in Business Endowment GILHOOLEYENDW
Gladys Andree Crute Bursary Endowment Fund GLADYSCRUTE
Gladys Henry Endowment for Bert Henry Memorial Graduate Scholarship 0BERTHENRME
Glen Geen Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 0GLENGEENME
Glen Tibbits Graduate Student Research Award GTIBBITSUG
Glenfraser Endowment GLENFRASER
Glenfraser ICP Planning Award in Acoustic Communication SECURECAPIT
Glenfraser Professorship Endowment Fund supporting the Glenfraser Professorship in Sound Studies - BEQUEST GLENSOUNDST
Glenn and Annetta Agnew Memorial Graduate Bursary, held at Vancouver Foundation GAAGNEWGRAD
Glenn Berg Enterprising Achiever Award BERGECONOMICS
Glenn Berg Enterprising Achiever Award Endowment BERGENDOW
Global Humanities Department Development Fund GLHUMANDEV
Gloria Garrett Carlton Memorial BursaryEndowment 0GLORGARECA
Gloria Gutman Conference Travel Award Endowment GLORIAGUTMA
Goldcorp Centre for the Arts Community Endowment Fund GOLDCORP
Golf Endowment Fund 1GOLFENDFUN
Gordon and Goldie Rodgers Endowment Fund 0GORODGERSE
Gordon M. Shrum Chair in Science 0SHRUMCHAIR
Gordon R. Diamond Endowment 0GORDONDIAM
Gordon R. Elliott Endowment GORDONRELLI
Gordon Smith Undergraduate Award GORDONSMITH
Grace Woodsworth MacInnis Graduate Endowment 0GRACWOODMA
Grace Woodsworth MacInnis Undergraduate Bursary Endowment Fund 0GRACWOODUN
Graduate Award in Business Endowment 0HSBCGRADUA
Graduate Liberal Studies Journal GRADLIBSJO
Graduate Liberal Studies Program Endowment 0SCHOLIBEPR
Graduate Prize in Computing Science Endowment Fund 0GRADPRIZCO
Graduate Research Award for Women in Applied Sciences HCOPPING
Graduate Studies - General Fund GRADSTUGEN
Graham and Brenda Siddall Endowment SIDDALLEND
Grant Sheffer Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Physics Endowment GSHEFFERMEM
Grant Sheffer Undergraduate Student Research Award in Physics Endowment GSHEFFERUND
Grant Strate University Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts GSTRATEPRO
Grant Wilson Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 0GRANWILSME
Grant-in-Aid Annual Scholarship Fund 0GRANTINAID
Grayscale Photomask Discretionary Fund GRAYSCALE
Great Northern Way Campus Support GREATNRTHRN
Great-West Life Scholarship in Business Administration Endowment 0GREATWESTL
Greg Younging Publishing Award Endowment GREGYOUNGPUB
Greg Younging Undergraduate Award in Publishing Studies GREGYOUNGUA
Gregg Harris Memorial Bursary in Applied Sciences Endowment GHARRISMEM
Gregory Placonouris Annual Memorial Graduate Bursary in English PLACONOURIS
Greystone Books Graduate Scholarship in Publishing GREYSTONEGR
Gulf & Fraser Financial Group Annual Award G&FAWARD
Gunraj Gill Memorial Award in Political Science Endowment GUNRAJMEM
H. Y. Louie 100th Anniversary Scholarship Endowment 0HYLOUIESCH
H.R. MaCarthy Endowed Lectureship in Pest Managmt 0HRMACENDLE
H.R. MacCarthy Graduate Bursary Endowment 0HRMACCARTH
Haisla/SFU Learning Strategies Group Educational Partnership 0HAISLALSG
Hakai Network for Coastal People, Ecosystems & Management HAKAINETWOR
Hal Werner Track and Field Award Endowment HALWERNER
Halpern Equipment Grant HALPERNEQU
Hamber Foundation Annual Bursaries for Women 0HAMBERFOUN
Hamilton Family Endowment EGRIFFITHS
Hang Gliding and Paragliding Fund HANGGLIDING
Hargreaves Scholarship in Science and Applied Sciences Endowment DHARGREAVES
Hari and Madhu Varshney Visiting Scholars Program in Indian Studies Endowment ICCRSCHOLAR
Harington Endowment HARINTONGRA
Harold Hancheroff Memorial Scholarship Endowment 0HAROHANCME
Harris Family Endowment HARFAMEND
Harry and Dora Annie Smee Memorial Bursary Endowment Fund 0HARRSMEEME
Harvey and Dorothy Burt Bursary Endowment (Environment) 0HARVBURTBU
Health & Counselling Services Development Fund HCSDEVELOPE
Hearn Family Bursary for Women in Applied Sciences HEARNBURS
Helen Egri Bursary Endowment Fund HELENEGRI
Helen Osborne Memorial Award for Indigenous Students OSBORNEABR
Helen Pitt Fine Arts Undergraduate Bursary, held at Vancouver Foundation 0VANCFOUNHE
Helen Pitt Graduate Scholarship in Fine Arts, held at Vancouver Foundation HPITTGRADFA
Helen Yuchen Tang and Leo Weizhi Liu Bursary in Applied Sciences TANGLIUASC
Hélène Josefowicz Endowment supporting the Annie and Leon Josefowicz Memorial Award JOSEFOWICZEND
HeliCat Canada Graduate Award in Wildlife and Environmental Research HELICANGRAD
Hellenic Canadian Congress of BC Chair in Hellenic Studies Endowment 0HELLSTUDEN
Hellenic Canadian Congress of BC Graduate Endowment HELLENICBCG
Hellenic Studies - Canadian Unity Project 0HELLSTUD2
Hellenic Studies Operating Fund 0HELLSTUD00
Hellenic Studies Professorship in Aegean and Mediterranean Societies and Cultures Endowment Fund SECURITYPROF
Helmut & Hugo Eppich Family Endowment 0EPPIFAMIGR
Hemingway Nelson Architects Graduate Scholarship Endowment 0HEMINELSAR
Henderson Development Ltd. Bursary 0INTEDEVELT
Herbert and Evelyn Taverner Scholarship in Creative Writing Endowment TAVCREAWRI
Heritage Education Funds Endowment supporting the Friends of Simon Tutoring Program HERITAGEFND
Herring School Program HERRINGSCHO
Hibbitts Design Bursary in Computing Science HIBDESCSCI
Hildegard & Cornelius Renner Graduate Endowment 0HILDCORNRE
Holding Account for SFU Women’s Soccer Norway/Travel HLDSFWOMSOC
Holding Pending Directions HOLDINGS
Hollosi Women in Science Endowment 0HOLLWOMESC
Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) 0HOMEINSTPR
Hon. A.E. Branca and Mrs. Branca Bursary Endowment 0HONBRANCAE
Hon. William M. Hamilton Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 0HONWILLMHA
Horne Family Alumni Bursary Endowment 2HORNFAMIAL
Hugh Clark Memorial Endowment 0HUGHCLARME
Humanities Graduate Endowment HUMANITIESG
Hy Aisenstat Scholarship Endowment 0HYAISESCHO
I.L. Kostman Bursary Endowment Fund 0ILKOSTMAN
Iain Ormsaig & Mary MacKinnon Memorial Endowment 0IAINORMSMA
Ian and Yvonne Reddy Award for Community Service Supporting Sustainability Endowment REDDYCOM
Ian Andrews and Renate Doege Memorial International Teacher Education Module (ITEM) Award Endowment ITEMENDOW
Ian Hand Memorial Fund at SFU VentureLabs IANHANDMEMVL
IATSE - Motion Picture Technicians Union Local 891 Annual Bursary 0IATSE891BU
IBIS/School of Communications 0IBISSCHCMN
ICBC/Brian Jones Memorial Bursary in Criminology Endowment 0ICBCBRIAJO
IIBA Vancouver Chapter Grant for Business Analysis Students Fund IIBAVANBUSI
ImageTech Lab IMGTECH
ImageTech Lab Engagement Fund IMAGETECHEN
Indigenous and Black Graduate Scholarship in Biology INDBLGRADBIO
Indigenous Business Leadership Impact Fund IBLIF
Indigenous Business Leadership On the Land Learning Initiative IBLOLLP
Indigenous Cultural Awareness and Competency Fund INDIGCACOM
Indigenous Curriculum Development and Student Experience in Faculty of Education INDDEVSTUD
Indigenous DOHAD Gathering INDOHADGA
Indigenous Education and Gathering Space INDIGEDUCAT
Indigenous Education Artist in Residence Program INDGARTPGM
Indigenous Languages Program Development Fund INLNGDEV
Indigenous Storytelling as Pedagogy INDIGSTORY
Indo-Canadian Wrestling Scholarship Endowment Fund 1INDOCANAWR
Indra Thind Scholarship in Computing Science ITHINDCOMSCI
Industry Support - NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Avalanche Risk Management AVALANCHESA
Ingrid Nystrom Archaeology Scholarship Endowment Fund 0ARCHBURSFU
Initiative for Labour Education 0WORKTOUR
Initiative in Urban Sustainability & Development Fund URBANSTUDIE
Initiative in Urban Sustainability and Development Endowment REALESTFOUN
INNOEC Community Service Award RYANLAIANN
Inspiring Women in Applied Sciences Award INSPIRINGWAS
Institute for Environmental Learning Fund INSTENVLEARNF
Institute for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology Fund INST4NEURO
Institute for Performance Studies Endowment INSPERFORM
Institute for the Humanities 0INSTFORHUM
Institute for the Humanities - Postdoctoral Fellow Research Fund IHUMPDFUND
Institute for the Humanities Documentary Fund HUMDOCFUND
Institute for the Humanities Travel Study Award HUMANITYTRA
Institute for Values in Policy and Society VALUESPOLIC
Institute of Chartered Accountants 0ACCODEVEF3
Interactive Arts and Technology Student Union Annual Award INTERACTIVE
Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Building Fund LIFESCIFUN
Interdisciplinary Oncology Graduate Specialization INTONCOGRA
Interdisciplinary Studies 0INTESTUDPR
International City of Refuge Network - ICORN ICORNGIARDINI
International Cybercrime Research Centre INCYBCRECTR
International Reading Association Endowment 0INTEREADAS
International Student Award for Intercultural Engagement INTERENGAGE
International Students’ Emergency Assistance Fund 0FORESTUDEM
International Studies Bursary INTERNATION
Int’l Centre for Criminal Law Reform & Criminal 0INTECENTCR
Intramural Special Events Fund 1INTERSPECE
IODE Evelyn Price Memorial Bursary Endowment 0IODEEVELPR
IODE Seaman Morley Scott Memorial Scholarship Endowment 0IODEMORLME
IODE Verna Allen Memorial Bursary 0IODEBURQ
Irene May Surbey Endowment 0IRENMAYSEN
Iris Garland Dance Program Enhancement Fund 0IRISDANCEN
Isabel Dawson Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 0ISABDAWSME
Isao Asano Undergraduate Bursary in Science ASANOBURSARY
Isao Asano Undergraduate Scholarship in Physics ASANOSCHOLAR
Israel Chertkow Memorial Endowment 0ISRACHERME
iSurvived Educational Initiative Fund ISURVIVED
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Grant - WLL ITALFMGRANT
Ivanhoe Cambridge Bursary Endowment 0LAINPROPCO
J. Abbott & M. Fretwell Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 2ABBOFRETGR
J. Humphrey Exhibit 0BCCAUCDINN
J. Newton Robinson Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund 0JNEWTROB
J.L. Wighton Professor of Laboratory Studies Endowment 0JLWIGHTON
J.S. Vieira Swimming Scholarship Endowment JSVSWIMEND
J.S. Woodsworth Chair 0JSWOODSWOR
Jack & Sadie Diamond Secondary School Entrance Award 0JACKSADIDI
Jack and Doris Shadbolt Endowment for the Humanities SHADBOLT
Jack and Nancy Farley University Endowment JACKFARLEY
Jack Austin Centre for Asia Pacific Business Studies Endowment CHAIRASIAN
Jack Austin Research Centre for Asia Pacific Business Studies AUSTINRESEARCH
Jack P. Blaney Endowment 0JACKBLANEN
Jack Taunton Memorial Fund JTAUNTMEM
Jacqui Haines Memorial Bursary in Archaeology Endowment JHMBARCEND
James A. MacEachern Graduate Scholarship in Earth Sciences Endowment MACEACHERGRAD
James Clark Undergraduate Award in Labour Studies Endowment JCLARKAWARD
James Dean Graduate Endowment Fund JAMESDEANGRAD
James Dean Scholarship for International Students Endowment JDINTSTEN
James W Felter Art Fund (Bequest) JWFELTART
Jan Whitford and Michael Stevenson Endowment WHITFORDEND
Jana O’Brien Bursary in Education Endowment (BEQUEST) JANABURSED
Jane Austen Society of North America Endowment 0JANEAUSTPR
Jane Norman Memorial Endowment 1JANENORMME
Janes Corbett Faculty and Staff Community Health Practice Graduate Awards in the Faculty of Health Sciences HSPRACTICUM
Janet Blanchet Bursary in the Faculty of Environment BLANCHETEN
Janet Collins Undergraduate Bursary Endowment JANETCOLLIN
Janice Carscadden Scholarship in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Endowment JCARSCADDENSCH
Janice Peace Endowment JPEACEEND
Janine Amanda Lauer Memorial Endowment JANINELAUER
Jarislowsky Foundation Cultural Change Endowment JARISLOWSKY
Jason Schoonover Bursary Endowment JSCHOONBUR
Jason Schoonover Scholarship in Earth Sciences Endowment SCHOONEARS
Jason Schoonover Scholarship in History Endowment SCHOONHIST
Jason Wubs Leadership Award JASONWAWRD
Jay Triano Basketball Endowment 1JAYTRIABAS
Jean G.K. Bailey Graduate Bursary Endowment 0JGMBAILEST
Jean Pudney Bursary Endowment Fund PUDNEY ENDO
Jenabai Hussainali Shariff Family Awards JENJUSSHAF
Jenifer Thewalt Graduate Scholarship in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry THEWALTMBB
Jennifer Allen Simons Endowment Fund 0JENNALLESI
Jennifer Prosser Wade and Family Scholarship Endowment Award in Scottish Studies JPROSSWADE